waiting for you

I try to calculate the time it takes to scratch these words. Thoughts fade and flare. Ink across the paper registers a kind of time theft during which I fictionalize an ongoing present, the ever-elusive me, you, here, and there, all existing somehow in a slightly fraudulent now.

—Gretel Ehrlich, Unsolaced: Along the Way to All That Is

David Graham, West Quincy, MO, 1993

An ache, August slides through us. Anger is a desire.
To be over, to feel done. It’s exhausting to be inside this repetition.

But there are people to love as dirty dishes sit waiting in the sink.
You suggested I seek forgiveness—self—and absence—perspective.

I felt ambitious in the suspense and tried to relax my anxious heart.
I waited for the world, for the arc to return to a luminous point.

As reference, I believe love is best when it is enduring—
steady as starlight or accountability and September light.

Notice who is around you; who shows up.
What will be left in this new space is courage.


“…those who fight against prophesy only draw it more tightly around their throats.” —Madeline Miller, Circe

LOST, October 2019 (Oakland, CA)

First, I heard the whispers—then screams. A public audience
formed opinions. Within that poetics, an image burns beyond
what used to be memory. Like a curve seen from a highway.
Not quite perverse but ordinary as a Sunday. After the crowd left,
I heard the graves sing. I thought about sugar, fire, and energy
taking the shape of a ransom. Formulas of demand and release.
Nervous echoes continue to fill the gaps. To receive, I take.