neither revenge nor prayer will save us

It is no surprise
that danger and suffering surround us.
What astonishes is the singing.

—Jack Gilbert, Horses at Midnight Without a Moon

Romanian supermarket, 1970. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive

There is only one way in
and one way out.
In this urban supermarket—
above the wandering consumers—
a disembodied voice loops autonomous
zero     zero     zero

Rows and rows of cereal, pills, quick-prep meals,
personal hygiene products to mask odor and wetness,
chips (corn and potato), red meat, postmodern fatigue

Hollow charms bought with no obvious or imminent threat.

Once outside, a November sun draws a light bright—
enough to make us feel shapeless.

Human need spreads contagious.
We, a nation-state of hypoarousal.
Avarice and man slant disaffected.

Congregations of violence gather to worship.

Author: ginger k. hintz

All the suspense of being on your knees, heaven spread.

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